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Bristol Auctions 1871-1897

Image by brizzle born and bred
Messrs. Hudson, Smith, Briggs & Co.

Sale by Auction at The Exchange, Bristol 1897

Under the will of Samual Wooles.

The Terminus Tavern and Victoria Hotel, Temple Gate, Bristol.

(The Terminus Tavern was next door to the Victoria Hotel in Bath Parade)

Blue Bowl Inn, Totterdown, Bristol and in the occupation of Mr. Vosper.

Sale by Auction 1871.

Talbot Hotel, Bath Street, Bristol.

BLUE BOWL Bath Road, Tottertdown, Bristol
1816. Jacob Naish / 1851. Harriett Wooles / 1853 – 57. Samuel Wooles / 1859 – 60. Charles Norris / 1863 – 71. Thomas Wooles 1872 to 1878. Alexander M. Gordon / 1879 – 88. Thomas Morgan / 1893. Albert Smith Densham / 1896 – 1906. William Vosper jnr 1909. George Charley / 1914 – 21. Charles Featherstone / 1925. Harry Miller / 1928 – 60. George Brett.


1847 – 48. John Folland
1849 – 51. Mary Folland
1854 – 63. William Francis Morris
1865 – 77. Catherine Jane Morris
1879. Elizabeth Clarke
1880. Lavinia E. Clarke
1881. Alice Backhouse
1885 – 88. Henry Robert Appleton
1889. Esther Lloyd Crosbie
1890. Charles Watkins
1891 – 94. Edward Miller
1896. Walter L. Jefferies
1897 – 99. William Charlston
1901 – 02. Alice Boughton
1904. A. H. Dudley
1906 – 09. Minnie Butcher

By the time of World War II, the Terminus was a hotel with c.20 letting bedrooms. The licencee during the war was Elizabeth Hobson, who was born in Sheffield. After she was widowed, she owned various pubs. The first was the Millstone at Hathersage in Derbyshire, and then, after her daughter married and moved to Bristol, she took the Terminus Hotel. After the war, she moved to the New Inn at Coalpit Heath, and finally took the Berkeley Castle (Cheltenham Road), before retiring to Weston Super Mare. Her predecessor as licencee at the Berkeley Castle, Alwyn Biggin, had married her sister, Elsie May, and she took over the licence when Alwyn and Elsie emigrated to New Zealand.


1871 – 76. Sarah Jane Tongue
1881 – 88. Felix Bailey
1891. William H. Newport
1892. George Westacott
1901 – 04. Alfred J. Butcher

1806. Thomas Holloway / 1820 – 31. James Clifton / 1833 – 37. Nancy Clifton / 1839 – 40. Edward Thatcher / 1842 – 48. Joanna Fry 1851 – 61. Michael Batt (proprietor) / 1863 – 65. Henry Weaving / 1868 – 69. Robert Comer / 1871 – 75. James Collins 1877. Miss Linfield (manageress) / 1878. T. C. Stock / 1881 – 96. James Reynolds / 1899 – 1917. Grenville Flower.

Image from page 603 of “A dictionary of architecture and building : biographical, historical, and descriptive” (1902)

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: dictionaryofarch02stur
Title: A dictionary of architecture and building : biographical, historical, and descriptive
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: Sturgis, Russell, 1836-1909
Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architects
Publisher: New York : The Macmillan company
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
ole tie TEscluse was super-vising architect of the cathedral of Le Mans inJuly, 1420. It is sii|)i)osc(l by Huchcr thatle designed the iiortlieni transept with itsininicnse rose window, one of the finest inFrance (but see Danimartin, Jean). Hiicher, Calijufs drs rilranx di- la calhcdrale(III ^flllls: Ksnault, Li trdii.tept acptentrinual dr lanillirilrnh du jlans; riolin, JUstoire de VEijlisedii Mans. NIDGE (v.). Same as Nig (local). NIESENBERGER, HANS ( HANS VONGRAETZ) ; architect. Niesenberger was appointed architect of thecathedral of Freilnirg, Baden, Germany, andtook up the construction of the choir of thatchurch begun in 1354 by Hans von Gmiind.It was not finished until 1.51.3. He is sup-posed to have been a pupil of Jost Dotzinger(see Dotzinger) and to have worked on thecathedral of Strasburg. Gerard, Les Artistes de VAlsace. NIG (v.). To drass with the hammer, asstone. (See Hammer; Stone Dressing.) NIMBUS. (See Aureole; Glory; VesicaPiscis.) NINEPIN ALLEY. (See Bowling Alley.)

Text Appearing After Image:
Niche of the Grand Staircase, Chateau ofCHAMBORn; Work of the French Renais-sance; Time of Francis I. NICOLE DE LESCLUSE ; architect.From a document prcser-c(l in the archives(Upartementales of La Mauche, France, it1037 Niche: One on the Left for a Piscina. Tho three openings of the scrtilia are nlso cnlied nk-lics, hy aneasy extension of the meaning. NINO DI ANDREA (PISANO) ; sculp-tor and architect ; d. about 1357. A son of Andrea da Pisa (see Andrea daPisa). He assisted his ftither on the first doorof the Baptisteiy at Florence and at the cathe-dral of Orvieto. He succeeiled Andrea ascapnmastrn at Orvieto. Reymond su])posesthat he worked on the Geite.^i.s reliefs of the1038 NOBBLE Orvieto facade. Niuo made the Saltarellimonument at Pisa. Marcel Reymond, La Sculpture Florentine. NOBBLE. To shape a stone roughly;usually at the quarry, so as to save the hand-ling (if unncce.ssary weight. NOBILE, PETER VON; architect; b.177-4; d. 18.5i. Educated in Rome, and devoted himself espe-ciall

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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Tags: 18711897, Auctions, Bristol